Sunday, December 27, 2015


Album Review- Spirit by Leona Lewis

This isn't a new album, it came out on November 9th, 2007, but I still really like it.  Leona Lewis is a British singer and songwriter.  Leona Lewis won the third season of The X Factor and shortly after created this album. It was her first album. She now has eight albums. It is in the pop and contemporary R&B genres.The album has fourteen songs on it. It received six nominations for awards. I really like this album because of Leona’s vocals and how it’s almost like you can feel what she feels through her voice. I think that the music complements her voice well. Her song I Will Be is heavily compared to Avril Lavigne’s version, since Avril Lavigne wrote it, recorded it, then ended up selling it to Leona Lewis. I personally prefer Leona’s version because even though it seems Avril Lavigne is a little more emotional when singing it, Leona’s voice is stronger in her version. My top three off of the album are Bleeding Love, Better in Time, and I Will Be. I would give this album a 4.5/5 stars. I would recommend this album, anyone who is interested should totally check it out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thankful for classmates

I am thankful for my small group. In class, when we work in small groups, I work with Angelita, Deja and Sarahi. I feel like I can share my opinions with them about what we are reading without being judged. It is a very welcoming environment for me. I would like to thank them for being open-minded and also being able to give me constructive criticism when working on writing. Thier analysis and opinions give me a broader view of the text. It is good to listen to each other’s different ideas, it helps deepen my understanding.
Their humor makes reading the texts more enjoyable and fun. They are very nice. Their energy helps boost my spirits because I am not a morning person at all. I am glad that I have the opportunity to work with them this year. They have become new friends. I would like to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber: Accident or Murder?

       At the end of The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Ernest Hemingway, Francis Macomber is shot by his wife Margot during a hunt for buffalo. What was going through her head at the moment was not explicitly stated, leaving the question of whether she was trying to kill the buffalo or her husband. I believe that her shooting Macomber was not an accident.
       Margaret Macomber needed to stay with Francis, she didn't respect him but she needed financially.'Margot was too beautiful for Macomber to divorce her and Macomber had too much money for Margot ever to leave him.' Macomber knew that she stayed with him for his money when he his thinking 'but she was not a great enough beauty any more at home to be able to leave him and better herself and she knew it and he knew it. She had missed the chance to leave him and he knew it.' Macomber already knows that he is rich and can go and find another wife, but she wont be able to live the lifestyle she does now on her own.
       When he confronts her about the affair she had with Wilson, it is implied that this is not the first time she has stepped out of the marriage.' "There wasn't going to be any of that. You promised there wouldn't be." "Well, there is now," she said sweetly.' She disregards him when he is trying to talk about it, which shows she doesn't think much of him.  He tells her "You think that I'll take anything.", and she replies with "I know you will,sweet." Margot expects for him to let her do whatever she wants so it scares her when he finally gets confidence.
       When he kills the buffalo and becomes more confident, and she sees a change in him it frightens her because she doesn't want him to gain enough confidence to leave her.Now that he is starting to become successful at shooting the animals, she starts to belittle hunting the animals when before she had no problem with it. Before she kills him she talks to him ' "You've gotten awfully brave, awfully suddenly," his wife said contemptuously, but her contempt was not secure. She was very afraid of something.' About two pages later she shot him. She killed him because she could tell he was going to leave her,and if he did she would lose everything, if she killed him she would only lose her husband because she would get to keep all the money.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

6 Really Short Stories

  1. Empty vial; label reads: love potion.
     2.The doll sat unopened and untouched.

     3.Her sentence was near it's end.

     4. The piggy bank, sat now empty.

     5.Papers lay scattered on the sidewalk.

     6.The tissue box is almost empty.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor (from the play The Crucible) is a hero. Though he was reluctant to admit what he had done, he did. He knew valuable information about what was going on in the town, but even though telling what he knew would reveal what he had done, he decided that he would rather tell the truth and face what would happen to him than let his wife and others be killed. By doing that he showed courage and selflessness which are qualities that heros have.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

There Goes the Neighborhood

       On a beach, when the water and sand meet, the interaction can go different ways. The water could come to the sand and meet after the water takes a small portion of the sand's area. Or the water could come in a wave accompanied by a storm and topple over the sand. 
       The Native Americans were the sand, and the Europeans were the wave that took the land and trampled over the beliefs, ideas and lives of the Native Americans. When there are two different groups trying to inhabit the same land the groups can live in harmony. It brings the opportunity to trade and learn new things from each other. What stopped the Europeans and Native Americans from living in harmony was the Europeans' mindset that made them believe that they were better, and could take from the Native Americans because they were seen as 'uncivilized' and 'savages'.
        If there is mutual respect then groups can live peacefully and in harmony but things go wrong when people try to force their beliefs and lifestyles on others.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

About Me

My name is Jasmine. I'm 14 years old and a freshman in high school.  I have a sister who is 4 years younger than me. I like to draw, mainly cartoon characters. My favorite book genres are fantasy and dystopian. I love watching movies, that why I love Netflix. My favorite animals are dogs and dolphins.