Thursday, September 17, 2015

There Goes the Neighborhood

       On a beach, when the water and sand meet, the interaction can go different ways. The water could come to the sand and meet after the water takes a small portion of the sand's area. Or the water could come in a wave accompanied by a storm and topple over the sand. 
       The Native Americans were the sand, and the Europeans were the wave that took the land and trampled over the beliefs, ideas and lives of the Native Americans. When there are two different groups trying to inhabit the same land the groups can live in harmony. It brings the opportunity to trade and learn new things from each other. What stopped the Europeans and Native Americans from living in harmony was the Europeans' mindset that made them believe that they were better, and could take from the Native Americans because they were seen as 'uncivilized' and 'savages'.
        If there is mutual respect then groups can live peacefully and in harmony but things go wrong when people try to force their beliefs and lifestyles on others.

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